Building Detail - Dynamic

Church Heath YMCA Pool at Crosstown

1354 Tower Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104 United States

Church Heath YMCA Pool at Crosstown

1354 Tower Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104 United States

Building Area (sf): 760 sf building area; total hardscape 8,000 sf

Completion: August 2019

Architect of Record:


Tony Pellicciotti (Principal in Charge), Jonathan Smith (Project Manager), Caleb Sears, Meredy Dahlgren, Megan Hoover, Dara Payton, Karrar Al Jassani

  • Owner/Client:
  • General Contractor: Grinder, Taber, & Grinder
  • Electrical: OGCB (MEP), Structural Design Group (Structural), SRCE (Civil), Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf (Aquatics Consultant)
  • Engineering:
  • Other:
  • Photography:
    Chad Mellon (01, 02, 04-06, 07 Right, 11), LRK (03, 07 Left & Middle, 08-10)

A 5-lane lap pool and pavilion were designed to fit within a dense site and provide an oasis for a vertical village.

Crosstown Concourse is a vertical village containing a multitude of uses: offices, apartments, schools, and restaurants. As part of this vertical village, the Crosstown Pool was envisioned as a critical part of the amenities for Crosstown, shared by non-profit Church Health Center, the YMCA, Crosstown High School, and the Concourse residents.

The 8,000-square-foot site between the existing Crosstown building and a new gym was just large enough to fit a 5-lane lap pool with little area left over for a pool deck and service spaces. A grade change throughout the site required extensive ramps and stairs. A pool deck, pavilion, and play area were constructed within the scarce remaining site area.

The pavilion was designed as a jewel box – simple in program, but rigorous in design and construction. The canopy provides shade during the day and is lit from within at night, with a warm glow of locally sourced cypress reflected on the pool surface. The pool and play area are accentuated by cool aquatic tones.

The site enclosure creates a secure and open space through a rich, yet simple material palette. Wood, board-formed concrete, and perforated aluminum delineate the site. A glass sculpture by a local artist is the focal point of the site wall. On the outside of the enclosure, a generous bench, garden, and fountains are offered as a space to relax in the shade.

The Crosstown Pool provides a welcome sanctuary for the Crosstown Concourse and the Memphis community.

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