Building Detail - Dynamic

The Grove at GPAC

1801 Exeter Rd, Germantown, TN 38138 United States

The Grove at GPAC

1801 Exeter Rd, Germantown, TN 38138 United States

Building Area (sf): 13,500 gsf total

Completion: May 2020

Architect of Record:



  • Owner/Client:
  • General Contractor: Grinder, Taber & Grinder
  • Electrical: SSR Inc. - Civil, MEP Engineering
    Schuler Shook - Theatrical Performance Consultant
    Jaffe Holden - Acoustical Consultant
  • Engineering:
  • Other:
  • Photography:

To design a masterplan and comprehensive design strategy for an outdoor performance venue within a canopy of undisrupted old growth trees.

The project included a masterplan and comprehensive design for The Grove, an outdoor performance venue immediately adjacent to the existing Germantown Performing Arts Center (GPAC). Innovative architecture, hardscape, landscape, and lighting provides a multi-functional facility for programmed events and nonperformance-related uses. Patrons, performers, and supporting participants experience performances within the canopy of undisrupted old growth trees. The site anchors a lost corner, becoming the bridge point between a vehicular-laden city and a city of green by enhancing the walkability and connectivity of the community.

Seven elements craft the full experience. In addition to The Grove, The Park is an overall place holder of GPAC and its supporting programs. The Parking achieves much needed spaces to support GPAC and the existing nearby Athletic Club. The Front Door Plaza unifies GPAC venues and welcomes patrons. The Pavilion provides immediate access to offices, venue entries, and an expanded pre-function/art gallery/rental space. The Outdoor Balcony is elevated for special group activities and views. The Backstage Plaza brings purpose and life to the Germantown Parkway viewshed. The venue will be the only intimate outdoor performance venue in the region that can relocate a performance to an adjacent indoor performance theatre due to inclement weather.

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