Building Detail - Dynamic


1350 Concourse Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104 United States


1350 Concourse Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104 United States

Building Area (sf): 4,400

Completion: May 2023

Architect of Record:


  • Owner/Client:
  • General Contractor: Grinder, Taber & Grinder, Inc.
  • Electrical: OGCB - MEP/FP
  • Engineering:
  • Other:
  • Photography:

The client needed a welcoming yet highly functional space for the relocation of their headquarters from Los Angeles to Memphis, Tennessee.

The client desired a new headquarters with a lounge-like atmosphere where they can identify, partner with, and assist start-ups with the resources and relationships they need as they prepare to go to market. Inspired by the vertical village of Crosstown Concourse, the private equity firm and design team realized a series of spaces to support their investment work in early-stage, enterprise technology companies.

The program includes private and open workspaces, meeting and conference rooms, a break area, and event space. The break area in this space functions as part of the entry sequence and event space while also serving as a central point where people can connect. Because of the front-facing break area that would traditionally be placed in the back of office space, millwork was used to delineate the walkway and provide a bench, meeting space, built-in lockers, concealed appliances, and hidden doorway bookcase. Curtains soften the space while responding to acoustical and privacy needs. Warm colors, lilac accents and soft curves create an inviting space while balancing openness and privacy. Sweeping archways conceal air ducts and concrete beams while creating layered spaces and thresholds. Private offices for Ridgeline staff have a “front porch” that welcomes clients and guests.

The resulting space is flexible and adaptable with shared spaces supporting client work, creativity and collaboration.

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